Anatol Kivi
Dr. med. Anatol Kivi is a senior physician at Vivantes Klinikum Spandau, Department of Neurology, Stroke, Neurorehabilitation, UMNS, Motor Pattern, MovDis, BoNT, Neuroplasticity, Neurodegeneration, EEG, NIBS.
Here is the profile of Dr. Kivi at ResearchGate:

Moderator, Dr. med., senior physician at Vivantes Klinikum Spandau.
- Recorded Webinar: Usage of Medical Exoskeletons
- Method for positioning and rehabilitation training with the ExoAtlet® powered exoskeleton
- Exoskeleton Walk Training in Paralyzed Individuals Benefits From Transcutaneous Lumbar Cord Tonic Electrical Stimulation
- Recordings: Neurointerfaces & Neurorehabilitation
- Efficiency of ExoAtlet exoskeleton in the rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis